Black Santa Clause Tree Top Decoration!


 $10.00 USD!












This is a black Santa Clause with the original price tag still attached to it for $16.00 and some change in order to celebrate a black Christmas without a white Santa Clause but a black Santa Clause!

The truth is Jesus is the meaning of Christmas, and this holiday is such a money producer for the world economy called earth not even Satan and all his Jewish angels who deny Jesus is God, who simply do not have the physical and mental ability to stop the celebration of the birth of God's son...

 Jesus Christ of Bethlehem!

These human eniemies of Jesus can not stop the celebration of Christmas because of the financial impact on the world economy and this simply shows the power and strength of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior of your eternal destination!

And for some very odd reason, the people who do not believe Jesus is the truth, and the light of the world, automatically humanely think they are smarter or better than you the Christian because, you have a personal relationship with Jesus and talk to him daily because Jesus the human son of God who is the 1 and only living God who answers you, and you simply know he is alive and well because you recognize his voice when he speaks to you!
The real Christian recognizes the voice of Jesus the same way a lamb will recognize the voice of it's Shepard who tends the safety and well being of the flock.

Ask your self could Jesus be real?

Ask your self after reading this page and you go on with life with out listening to the Holy Sprit inside your clean or filthy temple which is your physical body, and the piece of meat that sits between your ears called your brain,
will you make it to heaven without:


Or are you going make it as far as where you are right now, on earth living with Satan the Devil who's eternal destination is the:

"Lake of Fire"!

Helll Lake of Fire!

Talk to Jesus right now and ask him to be your personal savior and simply accept his Holy Sprit to
permanently live in your physical body, and most of all look at the fact's and believe the miracle of his birth which was simply your


 Free ticket to heaven to live with Jesus!  ticket to live in heaven

Rumor is, Heaven is a gated community.
Today I will let you have this unique original black Santa Clause for


 $10.00 U.S. Dollars!

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If you have questions about this product please call: 540-524-0737 in the United States of America!

Item # 29

Located in Box # 3